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Ballet Photography 2

by Riccardo   October 28, 2019

I have always thought that establishing a connection with the people I photograph is essential for producing images that emotionally engage the viewer. I had the confirmation during my second Photo Shoot with Romina.
Together we have built a fantastic collaboration, we have fun working together and we are developing new and interesting ideas. In short, there is an emotional feeling that drives us to the search for inspiration, a precious thing in photography.

This personal project involves me more and more; photographing the dancers is for me a moment of great creativity. The grace and elegance of their movements combined with the energy released by the moves of their bodies seem to blend perfectly in the moment I push the button of my camera. it's something magical that I can't fully explain. You can judge the result.

Well, I hope these images have captured your imagination by making you travel with your mind. The project will go on for a long time and you will see other photos. Thank you for reading this article.

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